34 - Automatic switch off of appliances/devices (up to 4,5 points)

Category : Energy

Status : Optional 4.5 Points

Type of accommodation : Accommodation

photo Automatic switch off of appliances/devices (up to 4,5 points)

Definition (User manual)


90 % of the guest rooms in the tourist accommodation (rounded to the next integer) shall be equipped with an automatic switch off of installed HVAC systems when windows are opened and when guests leave the room (1,5 points);


90 % of the guest rooms in the tourist accommodation (rounded to the next integer) shall be equipped with an automatic system which turns the lights off when guests leave the room (1,5 points);


90 % of the outside lighting (rounded to the next integer) not needed for security reasons shall be turned off automatically after a defined time, or be activated through a proximity sensor (1,5 points).